
"In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful.Muhammad (May Allah be pleased with him) said

"Peace be upon him, who follows the right path. Furthermore I invite you to Islam, and if you become a Muslim you will be safe, and Allah will double your reward, and if you reject this invitation of Islam you will be committing a sin by misguiding your Arisiyin (peasants). (And I recite to you Allah's Statement:)
'O people of the scripture! Come to a word common to you and us that we worship none but Allah and that we associate nothing in worship with Him, and that none of us shall take others as Lords beside Allah. Then, if they turn away, say: Bear witness that we are Muslims (those who have surrendered to Allah).' (3:64).

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Where allegiance will be sworn to Hazrat Mahdi (as)

They will find him at the Corner in Mecca and say: "If you do not accept our oaths of allegiance, if you do not protect us against the army of the Sufyan, which is seeking us and has one from Haddam at its head, then may our sins be upon you and our blood on your head.” At this, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will sit between the Rock and the Pillar, and he will extend his hand and accept their oaths.” (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 39-40)

Allegiance will be sworn to him between the Rock and the Pillar. Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be so compassionate that in his day, nobody will be woken from his sleep, and nobody’s nose will be made to bleed.” (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-MuntadharAl-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 42)

Three or seven days, after you see a fire from the east, expect to see the appearance of line of Muhammad, a herald from the sky will call out the name of Hazrat Mahdi (as), and everyone in East and West will hear that voice. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 32)

When innocent people are killed and his brother is killed in Mecca, a voice will cry out from the skies: “This is your command. This is the Mahdi (as), who will fill the world with justice.” (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 35)

Widespread strife that seems unlikely to ever end will arise and last until the cry “The Mahdi is the leader, that is the truth” is heard three times from the skies. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 55)

It is noted in the hadiths that a voice from the sky will tell the news of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as), in other words, that everyone will hear these glad tidings over the radio and television. We are told this voice will reach everyone in the East and West. It is even revealed that everyone will hear this voice in his own language:

There will be a voice from the sky to the people of the earth, such that everyone will hear it in his own language. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 37)

News reports reach just about everyone in their own countries, translated into the language of that country, via radio, television and the Internet. People will be told of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) in the same way.

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will free the world from evils and oppressive systems, and will cause love and peace to reign among people

The Commander of the Faithful (ra) gives glad tiding in his sermon that the world shall be purified and reformed from the cursed ones, and the war against the tyrant shall last for eight months after than love and peace shall prevail. (Selected Supplications from al-Sahifah al-Mahdiyah, Sayyid Murtadha Mujtahidi Sistani, p. 69)

As a result of Hazrat Mahdi (as)’s intellectual struggle against Darwinism and materialism, which is one of his three great duties, vices that run contrary to human nature, such as cruelty, ruthlessness and lovelessness, the products of such philosophies, will all come to an end. Movements that prevent countries and people living by religious moral values, loving one another, feeling compassion, getting on with one another and treating one another in compliance with religious moral values will cease. These philosophies and their exponents, that encourage people to lead degenerate lives, with no faith in Allah and that have lost all spiritual values, will be intellectually neutralized by way of Hazrat Mahdi (as). There will be a climate of great peace and love across the world, and a profound spirit of friendship, mutual aid, unity and alliance will prevail among countries and individuals.

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will spiritually conquer Rome, there will be a great earthquake in Vatican

"...Hazrat Mahdi (as) and his followers will...capture Rome with tasbih (praising of Allah) and takbir (declaration of the greatness of Allah)...The walls of that city [THE VATICAN] will collapse... [by an earthquake]..." (Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 204)

The walls of the Vatican were damaged as a result of an earthquake in Italy. Many buildings in Rome collapsed.


With advancing technology and the spread of the internet in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), information will become easily accessible

In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) information will be so pervasive that even a woman in her home will judge according to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (saas). (Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 352)

With advancing technology and the spread of the Internet in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), information will become easily accessible. Housewives sitting at home will have the opportunity to obtain information of all kinds from their own homes, and they will thus be able to scrupulously abide by the moral values of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of our Prophet (saas).

Cars in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)

Hazrat Mahdi (as) is moderate of virtue and excellent of creation... HIS STEED WILL SHINE LIKE A FULL MOON. HE [HAZRAT MAHDI (AS)] WILL GO AT THE HEAD OF THE MOST AUSPICIOUS COMMUNITY. They are enfolded by Allah’s religion; they will seek to approach Allah with him... (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 171)

The hadith suggests that “cars” will be one of the technical vehicles available in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), and that these will have headlights and interior lighting. It appears from the information provided in the hadith that the headlights of Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) car will also shine brightly.

References in the hadiths to the years 1997 and 1999

In one of the hadiths speaking of the portents of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) the years 1997 and 1999 are indicated:

People will prosper until the ninety-fifth year, that is, their business will prosper. In the ninety-seventh and the ninety-ninth year, their possessions will go to waste... (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 54)

The term “the ninety-fifth year” in the hadith in all probability refers to the year 1995. Until 1995, people led relatively easy lives, and conditions were not that hard. But after that, various difficulties began arising. Various political problems arose in 1997. The earthquakes in the Marmara region and across Turkey in 1999 led to the worst loss of life and property of recent years.

Electronic communications in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)

A herald will cry out from the sky saying, “Truth lies with the line of Muhammed", and a herald will emerge from the earth, and he will say, “Truth lies with the line of Jesus.”

Abbas said, “The voice from the earth comes from satan, and that from the sky comes from Allah.” (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 53)

All kinds of sounds and images will reach the earth through television, radio the internet and through radio waves in the form of electronic waves from the sky. In this way, information will reach people that “Truth lies with the line of Muhammed,” in other words, Hazrat Mahdi (as) is from the lineage of our Prophet (saas). Everyone on earth will hear and see these sounds and images.

False and misleading information will be spread by atheist masons working underground and by the atheist secret state, in other words, the committee of the antichrist. They will spread the idea that “Truth lies with the lineage of Jesus.” They will maintain that the Prophet Jesus (as) married, had children, and continued his line and that his descendants are living today. The claim of the “Holy Grail” made by atheist masons in the present day is a reflection of this subject. The appearance of this matter in the End Times is another miracle of our Prophet’s (saas).


I swear to Allah, in whose power my life is, that the Day of Judgment will not take place until savage animals talk to human beings, until a person’s voice and shoes speak to him, and until people tell him what they are doing.” (Ash-Sharani, Mukhtasar Tazkirah al-Qurtubi, p. 471)

With the cassette and CD players widely used today it is possible to record a person’s voice and listen to it later. The reference to “a person’s voice speaking to him” is suggestive of these devices. The expression “until a person’s shoes speak to him” puts one in mind of the listening devices that intelligence officers conceal in their footwear. Listening devices installed inside shoe heels and developed by Romanian intelligence during the Cold War were used by Western diplomats.

The reference to “people telling him what they are doing” may indicate how families and friends a long way away establish communications using Internet cameras and video telephones.”


“The Day of Judgment will not take place until the handle of a whip, his shoe lace speak to a person, until there is such abundance that a person will find nobody to give alms to, until rivers and streams flow through Arab lands.” (Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Musnad, II, p. 498)

The reference to “a person’s shoe lace speaking” in the above account indicates the shoe lace serving as an antenna in surveillance systems installed in footwear.

The term “until the handle of a whip speaks to a person” may again be a reference to modern technology’s wireless and mobile phones resembling whips. The use of wireless and mobile phones whose antenna are not unlike the tips of whips bears a close similarity to the term “until the handle of a whip speaks to a person.”

Signs to technology in the End Times from the hadiths about the antichrist

It is reported from Ibn al-Munadi (ra) that:
"He will hold the clouds in his right hand, extend to where the Sun sets, walk on the ocean, and yet the water will come only up to his heels… There will be smoke in front of him and a green mountain behind… He will issue such a cry that all those between the earth and the skies will hear it... He will command the soil and it will grow crops..." (Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 219)

He will hold the clouds in his right hand...TM

This hadith reported from the Prophet (saas) refers to the antichrist holding “the clouds in his right hand.” This may be a reference to airplanes capable of reaching the uppermost levels of the atmosphere. Planes ascend to the level of the clouds and make it possible for human beings to reach them. This technology seems to be connected to the words of the hadith regarding the antichrist “holding the clouds in his right hand.” And Allah knows the truth.

He will extend to where the Sun sets...

The reference in the hadith to extending “to where the Sun sets,” may well be significant in terms of modern technology. Sunset can be observed all over the world using technological devices such as telescopes and satellites. Satellite systems can provide images of all countries, and these can then be watched all over the planet on the Internet. The reference in the hadith to “the antichrist extending to where the Sun sets” may be pointing to the satellite system in question. (Allah knows the truth).

He will walk on the ocean, and yet the water will come only up to his heels...

Our Prophet (saas) tells us that the antichrist “will walk on the ocean, yet the water will come only up to his heels.” This description may well be a reference to present-day sports such as surfing, water-skiing, kite surfing, or barefoot water-skiing. People who engage in these sports move over the surface of the water, touching it only with their feet. The reference in the hadith to the antichrist walking on the water, and the water coming only up to his heels, may well be an indication of these sports. And Allah knows the truth.

There will be smoke in front of him and a green mountain behind...

The reference in the hadith to “smoke in front of him, and a green mountain behind,” bears a close resemblance to the picture established by modern-day airplanes in the sky. As the illustration makes clear, as they fly an image forms of a cloud of smoke in front of them, and one of a mountain covered in greenery behind.

He will issue such a cry that all those between the earth and the skies will hear it...

The hadith also refers to the antichrist issuing such a cry that all those between the earth and the skies will hear it. Modern advances such as radio, television and the Internet can broadcast across the world by means of satellites and radio waves, and everyone in all countries can now listen to the same broadcast at exactly the same time. This technological system, representing a single broadcast or voice, may well correspond to the hadith’s description of everyone in heaven and earth hearing the same thing. And Allah knows the truth.

He will command the soil and it will grow crops...

The hadith also refers to the antichrist “commanding the soil to grow crops.” The different kinds of agricultural machinery and the various sizes of tractor available today make harvesting a simple matter. Similarly, fertilizer and irrigation technologies mean that crops grow very quickly. Using these technologies the land can be sown and made highly productive, and this agrees with the description in the hadith. And Allah knows the truth.

(Antichrist) will come to a river and he will command it to flow, thus it will flow, then he will turn upwards and command it to flow and it will flow, then he will command it to dry and it will dry. (Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 213)

The hadith refers to building of dams at the time of antichrist. As a matter of fact, when the dam shutters are locked, the river dries sraightaway and when the dam shutters are opened, the river continiues to flow.


With the antichrist there will be two mountains. One mountain will have trees, fruits and water, the other mountain will have smoke and fire. (Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 213)

This account describes the position of trains and railroad wagons in the End Times. Railroad wagons are made out of wood and used to carry fruit. As the account says, there is “smoke and fire” on railroads. “With the antichrist there will be two mountains” refers to the use of railroads and to these wagons loaded with fruit.

Fire forms in the engine sections of trains that run on coal or diesel, and smoke in their chimney stacks. The “two mountains” in the account refer to two large masses consisting of the railroad and the wagons. The reference to “with the antichrist” indicates that the person driving the train moves along with it. (Allah knows the truth.)


He (antichrist) will also have Paradise and Hell with him. ... Then he will appear to kill someone and bring him back to life.” (Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 213)

People’s hearts are removed and replaced under narcosis in the End Times. In this way, people are put in a form of death and then resuscitated. In the same way, people whose hearts stop can be brought back to life by the use of electroshock. This is being referred to in the account. (Allah knows the truth.)


Antichrist will have a mountain of bread and meat, and a river of water... (Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 213)

"He will also have a mountain of meat, a mountain of bread". (Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 214)

"He will have with him a mountain of broth, cooked meat that never cools, a flowing river... behold food and drink, he will say" (Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 215)

The account notes the provision of food en masse to people forced to live under communist oppression in the 20th century. Vast quantities of food and drink, compared to rivers in the account, would be brought in to factories where 10-20,000 people were forced to work en masse.


"The antichrist will travel the world in 40 days." (Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 216)

The account refers to the speed obtained in moving from one place to another in the End Times.

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will make use of technology in obtaining information about events in the world

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will make use of technology in obtaining information about events in the world

The universe will be as visible as the palm of his hand for Hazrat Mahdi (as). (Bihar al-anwar, vol. 52, p. 328)

The hadith indicates that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will make use of technology in the End Times. Wide-ranging information about the universe will be obtained in the End Times. By the will of Allah, many things that were hitherto unknown will be learned through advances made in the End Times. Hazrat Mahdi (as) will use hand-held computer technology to obtain any information he wants or to establish communication with anywhere in the world.

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will restore and beautify the world


Hazrat Mahdi (as) who will appear is from the line of Hazrat Ali (ra). HE WILL BEAUTIFY THE WORLD AS NEVER BEFORE... (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani p. 169)

It will rain in abundance in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)

He will fill Earth with justice and well-being. The earth gives forth its fruits, and the sky rains. My community will be blessed in a hitherto unseen way. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 35)

[In Hazrat Mahdi (as)’s time] the sky will begrudge none of its rain and will cause rain to fall generously. The earth will hold back none of its plants and will give them forth to perfection… (Al-Sharani, Mukhtasar Tazkirah al-Qurtubi, p. 437)

During his [Hazrat Mahdi’s (as)] time, both the community’s good and wicked people will be blessed with a blessing, the like of which they have never seen before. Despite the abundance of rain, not a drop will go to waste. The land will grow fruitful and fertile, without demanding a single seed... (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 20-21)

Lives will be longer in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)

As reported in the hadith, one of the portents of the End Times and the appearance of the blessed Mahdi is “increased life expectancy” during this holy period. Some of the hadith and accounts regarding this are as follows:

Life expectancy will increase in his [Hazrat Mahdi’s (as)] time. This increased life expectancy also means that he [Mahdi) will be long-lived. (Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 184)

In his time ... lives will be longer and things entrusted for safekeeping will not be lost... (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 43)

Lives will be longer, and things entrusted will be returned to their place. (Jalaluddin as-Suyuti, Kıyamet alametleri, Olum ve Dirilis [Portents of the Judgment Day, Death and Resurrection], p. 179)

There has been a relative increase in life expectancy in recent times, but none to match the increase observed in the 21st century. Research has revealed that human life expectancy will rise by 50% this century and that there will be many more people living to see their 100th birthdays in the years to come.

Increases in life expectancy according to centuries

1800s: average life expectancy 24 years
1900s: average life expectancy 48 years
2000s: average life expectancy 63 years

The results of research into genetics and gene technology at the end of the 20th and early 21st centuries show that “life expectancies will be prolonged.” For example, a report in National Geographic magazine stated that the formula needed for a longer and healthier life would soon be available in pharmacies. Scientists who say they have identified the gene for long life state that the average life may soon be around 100 years. Another study reports that children born around now will live to be approximately 125 or 150. Many researchers state that “there will be nothing out of the ordinary in people aged 150” and that in the 21st century life expectancies will increased beyond all comparison with the past.

This information imparted by our Prophet (saas) 1400 years or so ago, coming about so clearly and manifestly without doubt represents a very valuable glad tiding for believers. Just like this prediction, the other reports imparted by our Prophet (saas) will also all come true, and mankind will witness many holy phenomena during the 21st century. By the will of Allah, the Prophet Jesus (as) will return to earth, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear, and by means of these holy personages the moral values of Islam will prevail across the entire world. This is something promised in the pages of the Qur’an. In verse 55 of Surat an-Nur, our Lord tells us:

Allah has promised those of you who believe and do right actions that He will make them successors in the land as He made those before them successors, and will firmly establish for them their religion with which He is pleased and give them, in place of their fear, security. (Surat an-Nur, 55)

Is There A Limit to Human Life Expectancy?

Turkish daily Hurriyet, 18 March 2004

According to some scientists, children born today will be able live up the age of 150, and some are of the opinion that there is no limit to human life expectancy. Human life expectancy regularly increases by 2 years every decade. This means that in 2150 the average life expectancy will be 122.5, and people aged 150 will be regarded as quite normal. There are currently some 40,000 people aged over 100 in the USA, although the number was only around 2,300 in the 1950s. James Vaupel, from the Max Planck Demographic Research Institute in Rostock in Germany, suggests that the number of centenarians will double in developed countries every 10 years. (http://webarsiv.hurriyet.com.tr/2004/03/18/429832.aspTurkish magazine Tempo, 25 June 2004)

Human life expectancy has almost doubled since the end of the 19th century. It is estimated that human life expectancy will increase still further thanks to advances in genetic medicine. A study by the medical journal Anti-Aging asked 60 experts in the field to estimate the life expectancy of a child born in 2100. The majority of the experts responded “at least 100 year,” while some said that life expectancy could reach 150 or even 200 years.

Is It Possible to Live Longer?

Turkish daily Radikal, 21 April 2002

… The ‘Industrial revolution’ in the late 19th century and scientific advances led to extraordinary progress in the field of medicine in the last century. This has prolonged human life expectancy by 50% … The frontiers of middle age have been put back from 40-50 to 60-70. As we enter the new millennium it has emerged that certain diseases are caused by defects in genes, themselves the secret of life. Biotechnological progress is now at the point of being able to rectify gene defects.(http://www.radikal.com.tr/haber.php?haberno=35461)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010





Moulana Sheikh Nazim is of the Highest Quality of Auliya so that the one who sits with
Moulana Sheikh Nazim feels that he himself is in the rank of a very Great Saint (Wali).
This feeling is not from himself but from the Light and Spiritual Power of Moulana
Sheikh Nazim. He has been given power from Allah Almighty so that anyone who sits
with him feels that he is so very near to Allah Almighty and to the Holy Prophet (peace
be upon him) and that he is always going to be close to them. This is because the
Spiritual Power of Moulana Sheikh Nazim immediately enters into the one who sits with him
which makes him to be always with Allah Almighty, the Prophets and the Saints.

When a person takes Bayyat from Moulana the Spiritual Power of Moulana Sheikh
Nazim is always with that person immaterial of how far away in distance he is from the
physical presence of Moulana. Moulana will be with him through every moment until
that person reaches the grave. Until the Day of Judgement Moulana will be with that
person. Even until he reaches in front of Allah Almighty will Moulana be with him.
When Allah Almighty questions this person, Moulana shall answer all these questions instead
of him. In this time it is not possible to find this kind of Auliya who are the like of Moulana
Sheikh Nazim.

Moulana says that this type of Auliya with these qualities are hidden now and all of them are
presently with Sahib us Zaman Seyyidina Mahdi (alai). The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)
has now during our time left between the East and the West in all of this earth only
Moulana Sheikh Nazim who is the only one able to give this type of Knowledge and
Wisdom to the hearts of the people.


Moulana Sheikh Nazim is the Sultan ul Auliya of this age. Most people think that the
rank of Qutub ul Ghauz is the highest because they have no knowledge of the rank of
Sultan ul Auliya. Moulana Sheikh Nazim was given the rank of Qutub ul Ghauz more than 30
years ago by his Grandsheikh. When Grandsheikh Abdullah Al Faiz ad Dhagistani (qas)
passed away from this earth, Moulana Sheikh Nazim became the Sultan ul Auliya of our times
and he then granted the rank of Qutub ul Ghauz to someone else.

In actual fact the rank of Qutub ul Ghauz in comparison to the rank of Sultan ul Auliya is
very low. The station of Qutub ul Ghauz entails the function of arranging the needs of
the physical bodies of the people. For example to have their food and to have the
mercies of Allah Almighty come to them. The Sultan ul Auliya however deals with the
hearts, the soul and the spirit of humanity. He is the one who makes them always to
be with Allah Almighty in the place where the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) made
Sajda on the night of Mihraj.

The Sultan ul Auliya is the Khaliphatullah of the time and he represents the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) while the other Saints represent one of the
other 124,000 prophets. As all the other Prophets are also represented by the Seal
of Prophets Seyyidina Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Sultan ul Auliya of the
time also has the Tajjalli and the power of all the 124,000 Prophets.

The representative of Allah Almighty during one particular age is only one and in this
time and age Moulana Sheikh Nazim is this representative, and he is the Sultan ul
Auliya and Khaliphatullah of this time.

As the Khaliphatullah or the representative of Allah Almighty in our time, it is Moulana
Sheikh Nazim who is inside the ka’abatullah. The ka’abatullah is also known as the
Baithullah or the House of Allah. Allah Almighty is everywhere but especially in the
Baithullah as He has Himself called it the House of Allah. For it to be called the House
of the Lord, the Lord of the house must be in it. The Lord of the house is represented
by His Khalifa who in this time is Moulana Sheikh Nazim.

The rank Sultan ul Auliya in Tariqat means the rank of the Saint who possesses the
secret of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). This secret was put in the heart of
the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) by Allah Almighty. Thereafter the Holy Prophet
(peace be upon him) transmitted this secret to the heart of Abu Bakr Siddique (ral).
Thereafter this secret has been transmitted right down to our times through the
Golden Chain of Spiritual Transmission of the Naqshbandi Tariqat (Silsila).

There have not been many who have held the rank of Sultan ul Auliya from the time of
the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). From the time of the Holy Prophet (peace be
upon him) till now there are only forty of these representatives. This secret was
passed down from the heart of Abu Bakr as Siddique (Ral) to Salman al Farsy and
then from Siddique to Siddique, and now during our time Moulana Sheikh Nazim is the
possessor of this secret.

In the Spiritual Chain of Moulana Sheikh Nazim all of them preceding him were the
Sultan ul Auliya of their times - for example Salman al Farsy, Yusuf al Hamadani, Abdul
Khaliq al Ghudjdawani, Shah Naqshaband, Moulana Abdullah Dhagistani etc. Apart
from the Saints in this chain of Spiritual Transmission only Moulana Abdul Qadir Jeelani
(qad) was of this rank.

This Divine Secret of Allah Almighty which was given to the heart of the Holy Prophet
(peace be upon him) and transmitted from heart to heart from one Siddique to
another is the Divine Secret and Divine Breath which Allah Almighty blew into Adam


Everything that you know of is under the Spiritual Control of the Sultan ul Auliya. He is
the one who is in charge of all Mankind in this Universe. He is also in charge of all the
world of Jinns and Angels, as the Sultan of Mankind is also in charge of all the Jinn
and of all Malaika (Angels). This Maqam (station) of Sultan ul Auliya is a Maqam
related to the hearts. Not even a thought can be comprehended of the Greatness of
this Maqam. This Maqam in this time is related to Moulana Sheik Nazim.

Moulana has been given the power to be in every heart of every human being in this
Universe. He also has the immense power of being able to make the Divine Light of
Allah Almighty and all the 124,000 Prophets to enter into the hearts and bodies of all
humanity in just one moment.

In one moment Moulana is able not only to make an unbeliever to believe but also to
be able to make him attain the rank of Siddique (the rank of Siddique is the highest
rank of Sainthood), and to make him to always be a Light of Allah Almighty to sit in
front of Allah Almighty and to make him see and talk with the Holy Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) and to comprehend the Holy Prophet’s Spiritual Rank. Moulana
Sheikh Nazim has the power to make the unbeliever be like him in rank and position.

In the case of all the Prophets they received their secret from the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him). In the same manner all Auliya during this time
receive their secrets form the Khaliphatullah of this time. As Moulana Sheikh Nazim is
the Khaliphatullah of this time, it is he who gives all ranks and all stations to the
Auliya. No one can become a Wali or Qutub unless Moulana Sheikh Nazim gives this
rank to him. Moulana is the representative of Allah Almighty who possesses this

Everything in this Universe has been created for the honour and for the sake of the
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Everything that has been created in
this Universe is created from the Light of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
Everything that we see in the first instance is the Light of Allah Almighty. Due to this
reason we say “La ilaha illallah”. Then thereafter Allah Almighty reduced these lights
to the Light of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) so that there would be an
intermediate stage between all that we see and Allah Almighty. This is why we also
say “Muhammad ur Rasulullah” in the kalima.

During every age there is a Saint responsible for all these Lights. In our time this
responsibility is given to Moulana Sheikh Nazim as he is now the representative of the
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and also of all the 124,000 prophets.
When Grandsheikh Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) left this world this secret was given to
Moulana Sheikh Nazim in Tave Muqallam, in a very big ceremony, and from this time
onwards he became responsible for all of creation - the Humans, Jinns, Angels,
animals, trees, Earths, stars and everything that is created from the Light of the Holy
Prophet (peace be upon him).

Grandsheikh Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) ordered Moulana Sheik Nazim to do about 10
to 12 seclusions (Khalwats), in a lot of places. When Moulana completed these
seclusions, his physical body became annihilated and his body became a Divine Body
which is related to Allah Almighty. It was only after this, that this responsibility and
Secret was given to Moulana, as this is never given except under these circumstances.


Anybody who takes Bayyat from Moulana Sheikh Nazim, specially those from the Western
countries, will not leave this world except as Walis. Regarding this Moulana says “I
have been ordered by Allah Almighty and by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him) to gather all the Lights that are now coming from Western and European
countries and to return them to their origin. Any European or Westerner or anyone
else making Bayyat will not leave this Dunya, except as an Auliya and he shall reach to
the highest stations which Allah Almighty offers to His beloved servants.”

Moulana also said “the Light of the one who makes Bayyat with me, specially those who
are entering Islam now and who come to me, shall be so bright and powerful that even
the Sun shall appear dark besides their Light. I shall make their Light, brighter and more
powerful than the Light of the Sun. They shall shine in every place, all over the
universes and all over the Paradises”.

When Moulana Sheikh Nazim begins a lecture he does not only speak to those who
are in front of him. Thousands of Auliya and millions of Jinns also listen to this same
lecture of Moulana. Regarding this, Moulana says “I am not only speaking to you.
Perhaps you are only ten, or fifteen or a thousand, but hundreds of thousands of
Auliya are here with me now, and millions of Jinns are now sitting with you and are
listening to me. In my lectures I give three stations - one for you, one for the Auliya
and one for the Jinns. In any place I sit and in every lecture that I open, the Spirit of
the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Divine Light and Essence
of Allah Almighty is always with me and never leaves me”. This is the power and rank
of Moulana Sheikh Nazim.

Moulana Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) once said that he had dressed Moulana Sheikh
Nazim with the Ninety Nine Beautiful Names of Allah Almighty including also, the Ism ul
Aalam, the Greatest Name of Allah Almighty. Therefore do not look at Moulana
Sheikh Nazim as Moulana Sheikh Nazim, but look at him as a Tajjalli or Light of Allah

Grandsheikh Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) also said “It is not good to say that he is Allah,
as the followers of Jesus Christ say about Jesus. Instead you should say that “he is a
Tajjalli or Light of Allah Almighty.” When he speaks, don’t listen to him as from
Moulana Sheikh Nazim, but listen to him as if Allah Almighty is speaking to you, “ yes,
He is the one who speaks to you”.

When the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) went on Mihraj he reached a
certain point with Angel Gibreel (alai) when the Angel said to the Prophet (peace be
upon him) “Only you can enter beyond this point. If I move further I will be destroyed
and there shall thereafter be no existence for me”. The Prophet said “yes, I will enter”
and he went beyond this point to the Utmost Limits. When he did this, his personality
was destroyed and he became a Light of Allah Almighty. By becoming this Light he
reached to Allah Almighty.

This is also the same for every Sheikh of the Naqshabandi Tariqat, as they are dressed
with the Divine Secret and the Divine Breath of Allah Almighty. Their bodies too have
been destroyed and they have taken off their human personality. They too became a
Light of Allah Almighty as it happened to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him) as they continued on their journey and reached to the very Throne of Allah
Almighty. Moulana Sheikh Nazim is now dressed with these Lights and this is why we
should look at him as a Tajjalli of Allah Almighty.

Regarding this Grandsheikh Moulana Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) said “I have ordered
Moulana Sheikh Nazim into seclusion and made him reach this rank. He now has a
face towards the creatures and a face towards Allah Almighty.” Therefore he is with
Allah Almighty all the time and with the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him),
all the time. They speak to him, and he speaks to them at every moment, so that he
can translate to the People around him all that they may be in need of, from Allah Almighty
and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Moulana Sheikh Nazim does not need to have recourse to books in answering any
question that his followers or visitors put to him. He knows exactly what they need to
know from Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and
he answers them immediately. He knows for what reason these people have come to
him and for what reason they have visited him. He talks to each of them according
to their capacity.

If their capacity is high then Moulana talks to them from the Light of Allah Almighty. If
their capacity is less than this, he talks to them from the station of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him), and if their capacity is even lesser than this, he talks
to them from the Station of Mahdi (alai) or from the Station of the Auliya. Whatever
station that their capacity requires, Moulana is able to talk from all these stations.

Grandsheikh Moulana Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) also said that Moulana Sheikh Nazim
will be the channel through which the secret of the Quran will enter into the heart of
Seyyidina Mahdi (alai).

Grandsheikh Moulana Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) has already dressed Moulana Sheikh
Nazim in all these ranks. When Moulana Sheikh Nazim speaks, he is not as if he is a
man who looks at a map and describes some town or country. On the other hand
Moulana is in all the ranks that are related to the Secret of the Quran. When he
describes this he does so with personal experience.

Not only does Moulana describe these ranks to his followers or visitors but also
dresses them in these ranks, so that they will not leave this world until they are
dressed with these Lights and all of them become Auliya. They shall not even be
ordinary Walis. They shall be in a Maqam like that of Seyyidina Mahdi (alai)


Moulana Sheikh Nazim’s power is not given to him, only for himself, but for everyone
who is related to him on the Day of Promises. All the people of the Umma now have
been given by Allah Almighty to Seyyidina Mahdi (alai). All of them are also now
under the tutelage of Moulana Sheikh Nazim. He is now teaching them and dressing
them with Maqams (stations), so that when Seyyidina Mahdi (alai) comes, they will
have the capacity to talk to Allah Almighty. At this time like Seyyidina Moosa (alai), the
people will be able to talk to Allah Almighty. They shall also be able to talk to the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and to the 124,000 Prophets.

Allah Almighty has made Moulana Sheikh Nazim to be the teacher and the Master of
these people and of the Auliya of this time, so that they will all have the capacity to
reach to these ranks during the time of Seyyidina Mahdi (alai) and be able to sit in the
lectures of Seyyidina Mahdi (alai).

If there wasn’t Moulana Sheikh Nazim between us and Seyyidina Mahdi (alai), or
between us and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), or between us
and Allah Almighty, no one would be able to reach to the Divine Knowledge or to
connect up with the station of the Auliya or with the station of Holy Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) or with the station of Allah Almighty. This is because
Moulana Sheikh Nazim is the intermediary between us and these stations.

Grandsheik Moulana Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) has said that it is now the duty of
Moulana Sheik Nazim to collect and gather every human being who had been given to
him on the Day of Promises.

Every human being is a light from the Light of Allah Almighty and from the Light of the
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Khaliphatullah of this time,
Moulana Sheikh Nazim is representing Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him). Therefore all humanity are also from the light of
this Khaliphatullah. In our time this Saint is Moulana Sheikh Nazim. It is because of
this reason that Moulana Sheikh Nazim was told on the Day of Promises by Allah
Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that these millions of
people will be under his vision and that Moulana should look after them because their
Light is from the Light of Moulana Sheikh Nazim.

This is why people find themselves attracted to Moulana Sheikh Nazim. The Light of
Moulana is attracting their Light, like a drop of water falling from the clouds is drawn to
fall into the ocean. This is why when we enter and sit at a lecture of Moulana Sheikh
Nazim we feel like that drop of water merging into the ocean and forget Dunya and the
life of this World.


Moulana Sheikh Nazim (qas) will be the one who will be in charge of the hearts of
people during the time of Seyyidina Mahdi (alai). He will be the Spiritual Master and
the Spiritual Father of all the people living in this time. The sword of Seyyidina Mahdi
(alai) will take away the heads of all those who reject what Moulana Sheikh Nazim will
say in that time.

Moulana Sheikh Nazim (qas) has said that anyone who has made Bayyat with him and
who is his mureed or follower and believes in him would be under his vision. They
would always be kept safe in this world. Even if an atom bomb was to explode near
him he would be protected and kept safe. A wind would be sent from paradise to this
person so that he would be able to breathe the air from it and not from the nuclear
waste in the atmosphere.

Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) have given to
Moulana all the people of this time and during the time of Seyyidina Mahdi (alai). All
of them are under his vision and control. Moulana Sheikh Nazim does not even need
to look at them from the station of Divine Vision as all of them are as if they are in his

Moulana looks at them as if they are on the palm of his hand. He looks at them at
every moment and he knows what they do at each moment. If bad situation is to come
to a mureed of his, Moulana has the power to change it. Moulana’s purpose is to
make this mureed to reach to Rizwanullah. Anything that obstructs the path of this
mureed in reaching to this station of Rizwanullah would be taken away by Moulana
Sheikh Nazim. He will clear all obstacles. If something bad is about to happen to a
mureed of Moulana Sheikh Nazim, he would make a dua to Allah Almighty on behalf of
this mureed and take this away from the mureed. In this manner Moulana Sheikh
Nazim can enter into and change destiny (qasaullah) and the course of nature.

An example of this once happened at Mecca and Sheik Adnan relates this incident as
follows: “We were in Mecca with Moulana Sheikh Nazim making Tawaf. The sun was
out and there was not a cloud in sight. Moulana then prayed to Allah Almighty saying
“Oh! Allah Almighty, I have come here as Your guest to please You. I would like it to
rain so that I can take some Baraka from the rain that comes down at the Ka’aba. The
clouds built up and it began to rain. It rained so hard that all Mecca began to look like
a river.


Today the hearts of the Europeans and the Westerners are attracted to the
Naqshbandi Tariqat more than the Arabs and those from other countries. This is
because their hearts are wide and open not narrow and closed. During the time of
Seyyidina Mahdi (alai), Moulana Sheikh Nazim will be in charge of the hearts of all the
people. Seyyidina Mahdi (alai) would be in charge of establishing the Sharia while
Moulana Sheikh Nazim will be the love fountain and love centre for the people. He
shall be entrusted with the opening out of the hearts of the people.

Every Auliya in this time sees Moulana Sheikh Nazim as a Light of Allah Almighty. No
one can even imagine the spiritual shape of Moulana Sheikh Nazim, because all the
heavens and the earth enter into him. The physical shape of the one who has the
Divine secret of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) must also closely
resemble the physical shape of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
As Moulana Sheikh Nazim has this secret, his physical shape closely resembles that of
the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

All those who come to visit Moulana Sheikh Nazim and sit with him will also gradually
have their physical features slowly transformed. This is because they are not seated
with an ordinary person. They are seated with an extraordinary power which is
Moulana Sheikh Nazim. The more that a person sits with Moulana Sheikh Nazim, the
more will his love increase and the higher will be his ranks and every Auliya in this
time will have the shape of Moulana Sheikh Nazim.


Moulana Sheikh Nazim is one of the most remarkable Saints of all time. This type of
Sainthood is not generally known by the people. All that they know is that somehow
their hearts are attracted to him. People don’t even know why their hearts are
attracted to Moulana in this manner. This is because he is one of the biggest Saints
of all time.

Moulana does not generally perform miracles in the nature of flying in the air or
walking on water as he says that even Shaitan has the power to perform these types
of miracles. His miracles are however, of a different type. His miracles are to be found
in the day to day life of his mureeds (followers). For example he is with every one of
his mureeds at every given moment and all the time.

If at any time a mureed calls for him saying “Madad Ya Seyyidi” Moulana immediately
sends a divine look to his heart and then the heart of this mureed is lit up with a Divine
Light. This Light is sent by Moulana from his heart to the heart of this mureed. This
mureed shall then be in a good situation and the bad thing that was to have
happened to him would have been taken away from him.

Another of the miracles of Moulana Sheikh Nazim is the miracle in the grave. When
the Angels appear in the mureeds grave to question him, Moulana Sheikh Nazim will
immediately be there and say to the Angels “Don’t question my follower, question me
instead of him and I will answer on his behalf. “The Angels shall not be able to bear
the Light of Moulana Sheikh Nazim and due to this they shall be forced to go away.

During the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the Light of his
heart came onto the hearts of the Sahabas around him. This is also so with Moulana
Sheikh Nazim. The same Light as in the case of the Sahabas shall come from the
heart of Moulana to the hearts of his followers. For as long as a person sits with
Moulana Sheikh Nazim this very same light shall at every moment come onto the heart
of this person. This is the case for every follower, guest or visitor of Moulana Sheikh

A person if even for only once visits Moulana Sheikh Nazim he shall not leave this life
except as a believer. This is because, Allah Almighty shall ask this person “did you in
this life of yours see any Sheiks?” He will then answer “Yes, I have seen Moulana
Sheikh Nazim.” Then it will be said to him “Let Moulana Sheikh Nazim come” This is
the miracle of Moulana Sheikh Nazim.

Still another miracle is that when on the Day of Judgement Allah Almighty asks as to
what a person (a person who had taken Bayyat from Moulana Sheikh Nazim, believed
in him and visited him) did during his lifetime, Moulana Sheikh Nazim shall act as this
person’s lawyer and defender.

Moulana will not allow any of his mureeds to enter hell. He will not even let them to
enter the Paradises that are known to the people. No , Moulana Sheikh Nazim will
make them enter the Paradise that is related to Allah Almighty. The ordinary
Paradises vanish into nothing when compared with the lights of this Paradise which is
the Paradise that is related to Allah Almighty. Moulana Sheikh Nazim shall make all his
followers to enter into this Paradise.


Grandsheik Moulana Abdullah Dhagistani (qas) said that the preserved tablet in each
time and age is the Saint (Wali) that represents the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace
be upon him) and Allah Almighty. In this time Moulana Sheikh Nazim is the Saint who
represents Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
therefore the Preserved Tablet in this time is Moulana Sheikh Nazim. All Auliya see
him now in this rank. The knowledge that comes in from the Preserved Tablet is really
from the light of the palm of the Saint who represents Allah Almighty and the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in this age. In this time age, this great Saint
is Moulana Sheikh Nazim (qas).

Every time that Moulana Sheikh Nazim gives a lecture, he looks into the Preserved
Tablet. Moulana generally has a habit of looking slightly upwards before commencing
a lecture and then he continues delivering his lecture. This is because he reads what
he is going to say from the Preserved Tablet. Moulana once said “when I pray, I look
to see what is written in the Preserved Tablet for me to recite in Salat ul Luhr and also
for every prayer I do the same to find out what I should recite during that prayer from
the Holy Quran. I don’t walk from this place to that except by looking and reading the
Preserved Tablet. “Moulana is the one who is in this time giving what Allah Almighty
wants to give to any Saint and to all the people according to what is written for them in
the Preserved Tablet. He is writing it to them bringing this knowledge both from Allah
Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Moulana gives an answer to any question that is asked from him from the Preserved
Tablet. Moulana says that there are many Preserved Tablets. There is a Preserved
Tablet for the people, a Preserved Tablet for the Ulema, and there is a Preserved
Tablet for the Auliya. Then there is a Preserved Tablet for the Khaliphatullah and a
Preserved Tablet for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Moulana
says that he can talk from all the preserved Tablets because he is in all these ranks.
This is because Grandsheik Moulana Abdullah Dhagistani (qas) gave to Moulana
Sheikh Nazim the secret of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Moulana Sheikh Nazim is the representative of Allah Almighty and he possesses the
Divine Secret of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He is also now
the representative of Allah Almighty because of which he is present in every cell of the
Universe. How can it be otherwise because he is representing Allah Almighty in this
Universe. Therefore he has to be in every place, in every star and in every part and
portion of the Universe. This is why he is in every cell of the Universe.

Moulana Sheikh Nazim can also be present in his shape and body in several places at
the same time. Bayazid Bistami (Ral) (one of the Great Grandsheik’s of the
Naqshbandi Tariqat) once multiplied himself and took on 24,000 bodies and prayed
prayers at 24,000 different places. The people of all these towns and countries bore
witness that they prayed with Bayazid Bistami (Ral) on that Friday.

Where Moulana Sheikh Nazim is concerned he is able to multiply himself and take on
between 70,000 and 700,000 such bodies and to appear in as many places at the
same time. Bayazid Bistami (Ral) lived a thousand years ago and the Tajjalli of
Moulana Sheikh Nazim is stronger and more powerful and more precious as he now
has the secrets of all the previous Grandsheik’s including that of Bayazid Bistami (Ral)
in his heart. He also possesses the secrets of all the prophets and the secret of the
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in his heart. He is therefore the most
remarkable Saint in the Divan of the Saints of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him).

Moulana Sheikh Nazim is not only in our earth but he is also in a lot of other places
which are not related to our earth. He is present in all these other places and he is
also present with us at the same time. For example, there is a mountain called the
“Mountain of Qaf”. This mountain is not related to this Earth. There are many Auliya
of high rank and station in this mountain. Moulana is the Imam of them all. He leads
the prayer on this mountain on every Friday at Jummah.

Whenever Moulana Sheikh Nazim delivers a lecture to his followers or to his visitors
he also is with the Auliya on this “Mountain of Qaf” making this very same lecture.
This lecture is not only for those people who are listening to him at that moment but
also to all those who have been related on the Day of Promises to Moulana Sheikh
Nazim by having it written for them that they should listen to this lecture.

When Moulana Sheikh Nazim lectures to somebody, this lecture is not meant for that
somebody only, but for all the people throughout the East and throughout the West.
His lectures are for all the Auliya and for the hearts of all the people in all the
Universes in our time. This is because all of them need the secret of Quran to reach
to the time of Seyyidina Mahdi (alai) who is going to be here soon.


As for anyone who is related to Moulana Sheikh Nazim as a mureed the Angel of
Death, Israel (alai) will have nothing to do with him. The soul of this mureed at the
time of his death will be taken by Moulana Sheikh Nazim. He shall look at the mureed
and immediately the soul of that mureed will leave his body. There is nothing for
either the Angel of Death or for the Angels of the Grave to do with the mureeds of
Moulana Sheikh Nazim. This is because it has been so ordered and it is by the Divine
Power of Allah Almighty which has been given to him that Moulana Sheikh Nazim is so
empowered. This is specially for Moulana Sheikh Nazim.


Moulana Sheikh Nazim has been given the grant that when in a lecture he speaks of
the ranks of the Prophets or the Auliya all the people who sit with him at this lecture
will also be dressed in these same ranks as these Prophets and Auliya that Moulana
Sheikh Nazim speaks of. It is for this reason that Moulana often talks in his lectures of
Prophets and Auliya so that he is able to dress these ranks to all those who sit and
listen to his lectures.

Moulana Sheikh Nazim also speaks about bad deeds when he addresses people in
his lectures. The one who listens to this lecture shall not be asked of any bad deed or
sin that Moulana happens to mention in the course of this lecture. He does not
mention these bad deeds to stop the mureeds from doing them, but in order to take
away his bad deeds or sins. He then puts his mureed in his Mercy Oceans then he
throws them into the Mercy Oceans of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) and finally into the Mercy Oceans of Allah Almighty.

All the bad deeds and sins concerning which Moulana speaks during the course of his
lectures to the mureed will not be asked about from the mureed on the Day of
Judgement. This is because Moulana Sheikh Nazim immediately makes a Shafa’ah
and asks forgiveness from Allah Almighty regarding the sins and bad deeds that he
has mentioned in his lecture. It is for this reason that you see Moulana Sheikh Nazim
referring to so many sins and bad deeds during the course of a lecture so that he
would be able to put his mureeds into his Mercy Oceans.

Do not look at Moulana Sheikh Nazim as you see him, as a body with his bodily
functions of eating, drinking and sitting with you. Instead look at his other face, the
face that is related to Allah Almighty and to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him). This other face of Moulana Sheikh Nazim is the Spiritual and Divine Power
that is controlling all the Universes which include all the worlds of humanity, all the
worlds of Jinn and all the worlds of Angels. All of them have been given to Moulana
and he shall return all of them to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
and to Allah Almighty as they were given to him. He shall return all of them cleansed,
without sins or bad deeds.

Moulana is not going to say by way of excuse that this particular person or that, was
taken away from him by Shaitan. No, he is not going to say that. He is going to return
all of them pure as they were given to him. Regarding this Moulana says “I have been
dressed by Divine Power so that I will be able to return everyone to the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) and to Allah Almighty as they gave them to me. I
shall return them without sins and without bad deeds. I shall also dress them in all
ranks, highly positioned ranks, ranks that are dressed by the Auliya and give them to
Allah Almighty”. This is a grant and a miracle of Moulana Sheikh Nazim.

Grandsheik Moulana Abdullah Dhagistani (qas) said that even Seyyidina Mahdi (alai)
is a follower and a student of Moulana Sheik Nazim because without the channel of
Moulana Sheikh Nazim the secret of the Quran which has been passed down from the
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Abu Bakr as Siddique (Ral), and
from him right down the Golden chain of Succession of the Naqshbandi Tariqat to
Moulana Sheikh Nazim, cannot enter into the heart of Seyyidina Mahdi (alai).
Moulana Sheikh Nazim is going to teach Seyyidina Mahdi (alai) the knowledge of the
Secret of the Quran. In this respect Seyyidina Mahdi (alai) is student of Moulana
Sheikh Nazim. Moulana Sheikh Nazim is the key of the Secret of the Quran and he is
the one who is going to plant this secret in the hearts of people.


For many years Moulana Sheikh Nazim has been planting this Secret which is the
Secret of the Quran in the hearts of all those who have left this Dunya and are now in
Barzakh. Presently, Moulana Sheikh Nazim is planting this Secret in the hearts of the
living people. To do this Moulana Sheikh Nazim goes out of his body every night. All
the bodies which has a soul in them gather in front of Moulana and he plants the
Secret of the Quran in them. This is one of Moulana’s duties till the coming of
Seyyidina Mahdi (alai).

After the coming of Seyyidina Mahdi (alai) and in the days of Seyyidina Mahdi (alai) he
will give the knowledge of the Secret of the Quran to selected people while he will let
everyone else to know certain aspects of the Secret of the Quran. Moulana will give
power also to some of his followers and certain people with him.

If one knows the Secret of the Quran and someone was to ask him about the sun, for
example, he would be able to command the sun “come here” and the reality of the
Sun shall come to him and he would be able to explain it to all the people who are
sitting with him. If he wanted to explain to them about the moon, all he would have to
do is to ask the moon to come to him and he would be able to explain to them about
the moon which will appear in front of him by the Divine Power of Moulana Sheikh

Sheik Adnan relates that once when he was in Mecca making Tawaf with Moulana
Sheikh Nazim a person with a long beard came up to Moulana Sheikh Nazim, kissed
his hand and continued to do Tawaf with Moulana. Moulana Sheikh Nazim then told
those who were present with him on that occasion that this person was Khidr (alai)
and that he had come specially to kiss Moulana’s hand and to perform Tawaf with

Sheik Adnan also relates that on another occasion when he was performing Tawaf
around the Ka’aba with Moulana Sheikh Nazim a very old man came up to Moulana,
kissed him, spoke to him and performed Tawaf with Moulana. Thereafter this old man
disappeared without a trace. When Moulana was asked as to who this old man was,
he answered that this man was one of the sons of the Adam before our Adam (alai).

There have been 124,000 Adams in all, with their sons of which our Adam (alai) was
the last. This was one of the sons of the Adam before our Adam and he had come to
kiss Moulana’s hand and to perform Tawaf with Moulana because he had had this
promise on the Day of promises and that it was written in the Divine Tablet. Moulana
as the Khaliphatullah of this time and as the representative of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) during this time is not only for us but also for all the
Adams and their sons who came before us. He is the communicator who connects
them with the world of Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him).

Moulana Sheikh Nazim says that in comparison with the number of People in the other
worlds, the people of this world are nothing. There are so many of them, Moulana
says, that compared to the Sohbet (association) that he makes with the people in
these other worlds and other Universes, the people in this Earth are so few.

Everyday the one who sits with Moulana constantly improves. He feels that his
knowledge increases daily. This gets better and better until he reaches a stage where
he will have nothing to do with himself. Instead of himself he will see Moulana Sheikh
Nazim. When this happens Moulana immediately takes them and puts them in the
cave with Seyyidina Mahdi (alai) as they are so powerful it is not possible for the other
people of the Earth to bear them.

All that has been written here about Moulana Sheikh Nazim is very little in comparison
to what he really is because the contents above are only a small part of the knowledge’
s available about him. Apart from this fact there is also the reason that it is not
possible for the human mind to grasp and comprehend the reality of the rank of the
Sultan ul Auliya. Moulana Sheikh Nazim is the possessor of this rank in our age. This
is why Moulana says, “No one really knows me. All that they know about me are only
some aspects of me"

May Allah Almighty Bless Moulana Sheikh Nazim!

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